Snore No More Pillow - Anti Snoring Pillow Review

Snore No More Pillow was created by a doctor that studied the reasons for snoring and developed the device to help keep the airways open during sleep for a better night's sleep.
The Snore No More Pillow is made of very firm materials, which may be difficult for users to become adjusted to during sleep. The firm construction is used to keep the sleeper's head firmly in place to open up the airways. The memory foam used in the pillow helps to prevent allergies and other causes of congestion during sleep, which may contribute to snoring.

How does it work?
The Snore No More Pillow is designed to keep your chin and chest in the property position, and therefore keep your jaw forward while sleeping.
You see, snoring is often a result of your jaw falling backwards and actually blocking your air flow passages, thus clogging them up and giving the air very little room to operate with.
The result is a lot of air trying to get through a tiny amount of space, which cause your throat tissues to vibrate. This in turn makes the annoying noise known as snoring. Keeping your jaw forward, while not always, will many times stop you from snoring, and it's definitely worth trying out.
When using the Snore No More Pillow, the sleeper's head is kept in an elevated position with the chin lifted off of the chest. This position prevents the airways from blocking which produces the loud snoring sound.

A Snore No More Pillow fits any pillowcase, but it also has a zip off cover that can be washed to keep the pillow clean. The material used in the Snore No More Pillow is firm polyurethane foam. You may have to air the pillow out before using. This occurs in polyurethane mattress toppers and mattresses, but it airs out fairly quickly to reduce the odor.

Some sleepers may find it difficult to get used to the design of the Snore No More Pillow. The unique design may not be the way that sleepers are accustomed to resting their head during sleep. Of course, this is the main reason for snoring and the proper use of the pillow helps to correct this problem with head position. Once the sleep position is adjusted, snoring will be reduced or eliminated.
Snorers often feel ragged and tired the next day after a night of snoring. The Snore No More Pillow helps users get a decent night's sleep and feel more energized the next day. Snorers usually wake up frequently during the night even if they don't remember it the next day. The Snore No More Pillow helps the partner of a snorer and the snorer both get a better night's sleep.

As a conclusion, the Snore No More Pillow is certainly a worthy investment to make, but it should only be one component of your stop snoring strategy. You might want to test out each of the above strategies one at a time, so that you know what's working and what's not.

Below is some testimonial from few customers who has slept on this pillow and they already got the benefit of using the Snore No More Pillow.

=="The Snore No More Pillow is medically designed by doctors to help the user reduce there snoring. My wife has complained about my snoring ever since we were married. I have slept on the pillow for the last two weeks and have come to many opinions on the snoring aid. First off, the pillow works very well for preventing snoring. My wife has noticed an immediate change in my snoring. However, it does not stop snoring altogether. Also, the pillow is a little firm. It is not uncomfortable though, just a little firmer than I am used to in a pillow. One benefit I have noticed from using the pillow is that I usually wake up about 2 to 3 times a night. The first night I used the snore no more pillow I slept through the entire night without waking up once. The pillow is designed to improve breathing by making your chin far way from your body and keeps your jaw straight which opens your airways.
My final opinion of the pillow is that it works very well. The Snore No More Pillow does not 100% reduce your snoring, but it helps tremendously and even helped me sleep better throughout the night. I use mine every night and am very pleased with the results. The item is very inexpensive and definitely worth the investment."==
=="I bought two Snore No-More Pillow, one for me and one for my sister whom I'm sharing the house with. We have been using it for 6 weeks already.  My sister's snoring is still there but I noticed that it isn't as loud as before.  There will be times in the night when her snoring will get as loud as before but there are times when I can only hear her snore when I put my ear close to her door. My sister is also very happy with me using this pillow because she said that since I started with it, she hadn't heard loud snoring from my room the whole night.
As for this product's effectiveness, it's very effective.  The pillow is uncomfortable at first but once I got used to it, I could not sleep with any other pillows.  It is firm and it puts my jaw in an angle where the air will pass through my air pipes without any obstructions."==

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