Anti Snoring Devices

There are numbers of devices that stop snoring in the market, or significantly reduce your snoring.
Below is the list of anti snoring devices with some review of them.
1. Anti snoring nasal strips.
This device opens nasal passages to prevent blockage and improve airflow. They are basically thin strips of plaster material that you stick across your nose. They look a lot like butterfly stitches. Within the plaster is a thicker, more rigid section which is supposed to hold your nostrils open further as you sleep.

2. Anti snoring sprays.
Lubricates the throat to reduce snoring. The idea here is that you spray a mist into the back of your throat, which in turn reduces inflammation of the airway and thus reduces your snoring.

3. Anti snoring pillow.
Specially designed pillow that is supposed to correctly align your neck as you sleep so as to keep the airway open. Meant to hold one's head, shoulders, and neck in a position less conducive to snoring, .Great for people who snore when they sleep on their back. There are designed to be very comfortable and assist in a deeper sleep.

4. Mandibular Splint.
A splint looks a lot like a mouth guard that you put in and sleep with every night. There are different ones over a varied price range so obviously some are better made than others. The more basic version requires you to heat it up with boiling water and then "mould" it to your jaws. The lower jaw must stick out further than the upper jaw in order for the airway to be maintained during sleep.

5. Snoring Chin Strap:
Keep the jaw pushed forward and up to relieve pressure on the neck and throat.
As the name implies, a strap keeps the chin firmly in place and thus prevents the snorer from leaving his or her mouth wide open. Despite looking quite weird, these chin straps have been used by numerous snorers with excellent results. The best part is the absence of any mechanical fittings, surgical incisions or any complicated maneuvers to get them fixed in place. You can clean it thoroughly by washing it and it is totally re-usable and hassle free to use. Made from a fabric called neoprene, these chin straps have proven to be the best amongst the devices used for snoring.
There are other kinds of snoring chin straps that make use of acupressure and magneto therapy too.
6. Nose Breathe Mouth Piece:
This one is an effective device aimed at heavy snorers. This is a mouth piece device that seals off your lips and keeps your tongue fixed to the roof of the buccal cavity. This forces you to stop breathing through your mouth, and you breathe unobstructed though your nose.
7. Collars to stop snoring:
The main issue in snoring is when the snorer leaves his or her mouth wide open and breathes through the mouth. The collars used to stop snoring are made of soft material and they are designed so as to maintain the chin in an elevated manner; and thus help to maintain the airways open and free for the air to pass noiselessly through.
8. Nose Cones:
This anti snoring device works well for folks who have issues with maintaining the natural dilatation of the nasal cavity, for instance in people who have DNS (Deviated Nasal Septum). Infections like sinusitis or allergic rhinitis can also obstruct or collapse the nasal cavity, and these cones work fine in such cases too. These nasal cones are made of soft rubber and require to be inserted in to the nasal cavity. Once inside they will keep the nostrils open and thus allow the air to pass through unhindered. The best part about these anti snoring nasal cones is that they can be cleaned and re-used.
9. CPAP System: 
Prescribed to those with sleep apnea to force a consistent amount of air pressure to keep a physical blockage from closing off the airway.
10. Nasal Sprays:
Reduce inflammation of nasal passages to ease breathing
11. Snoring Exercises:
Tigthen the muscles in the tongue, neck, throat, and jaw to prevent relaxed muscles from blocking the airway.
12. Snore Stopper Watch
The snore stopper watch uses a natural biofeedback mechanism to reduce the frequency of snoring
The anti snoring device has a bio-sensor that detects a sleeper's snore and issue a soft electronic 'acupuncture massage' pulse to train the body to relax the muscles and end snoring. It also has a micro-sound detector that detects your snoring. It sends a mild electric signal when you start snoring.

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