5 Simple Tips on How to Stop Snoring

How to stop snoring in simple ways, you can try 5 simple tips below.

(1) Change Your Sleeping Position
Many snorers sleep on their backs. This can restrict the airways, so change to sleeping on your side. There are devices to help you do this, like anti snoring pillow that will help your sleeping position. Or, a simple home remedy is to attach a tennis ball to the back of your pajamas. You can go the old school route and place a tennis ball on your back and when you roll over and feel a slight discomfort. If you lay on your back in the middle of the night and do not know you are doing it, this method will help you stop turning on your back and help you sleep better. You must do what you can in order to sleep on your side - if not for yourself but for your partner.

(2) Stop Snoring Devices
Get to know the anti-snoring devices available to you over the counter, like snoring mouthpieces, anti-snore pillows, nasal strips, chin straps, and so on.

(3) Make Some Lifestyle Adjustments
If you're overweight then this puts you at a higher risk of snoring.  So check your weight position with your doctor. If you're overweight you better less 10% of your weight. Your last meal should be 3 to 4 hours before bed. Smoking and drinking also give higher risk. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes if you can, certainly no alcohol in the evening.

(4) Review Your Medication
Many drugs cause your muscles to relax and can cause snoring. So review your medication. But don't stop them without first talking to your doctor.

(5) Surgery to Stop Snoring
Of course this is a last resort. But, if nothing else works for you, then you might consider having a conversation with your doctor about the surgery option.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com


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